Welcome...You are invited to take part in this Pharmacy in Australia: Measuring Employment, Labour decisions, and Activity (PAMELA) survey. Please read this Participant Information and Consent Form in full before deciding whether or not to participate in this study. If you have any questions about this survey, or you have problems completing it, please contact Jean Spinks (j.spinks@uq.edu.au). We wish to reassure you that your individual survey responses will remain confidential and anonymous at all times.In the unlikely event of any technical difficulties please click on the technical support e-mail link.
Please Keep In Mind...Do not use your Back or Forward browser buttons while you are taking this survey. Once you answer a question, you will not be able to go back and change your answer.Before we go through to the main study we would like to ask you a number of questions to make sure we are surveying a good cross section of people.
Please click " NEXT > " to start the survey...